
Deyaska Spencer Sweatman
(803) 764-3639

Micah Chetta
(864) 593-6961

Staff Contact:
Kimberly Snipes
(803) 576-3835

Five-Year Strategic Diversity Plan

Learn more and read the South Carolina Bar's Five-Year Strategic Diversity Plan.

About SC Bar Members

Learn more about the demographic breakdown of active SC Bar members by age, gender and race/ethnicity.

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in the South Carolina Bar Diversity Committee! 

From highlighting diversity efforts with our Diversity Spotlight Series, to bringing national experts to the Bar Convention to getting real about historical discrimination and where we are as a profession, to providing resources for attorneys and law firms on our webpage, we are working hard to fulfill our mission: to promote full and meaningful participation in the legal profession in South Carolina by people of diverse backgrounds.

Have ideas? A story to tell? Context for our work? Please let us know. We need the full diversity of perspectives present in the South Carolina Bar to inform and guide our work. We need to know about your experience and our blind spots. With your help, we can make the South Carolina Bar an even stronger, more inclusive and more diverse community.

Summer Law Clerk Program

The South Carolina Bar supports a Summer Law Clerk program for students with diverse backgrounds enrolled in an accredited law school.  Throughout the program, you will receive valuable experience working alongside attorneys, training and mentoring from partners and associates, and meaningful client engagement.

Employers use their own hiring criteria when selecting students to interview. Compensation is determined by the Employer and paid by the Employer. The start dates and end dates are determined by the Employer. However, most clerkships begin at the same time as the Employer’s Summer Associate class for the students to participate in summer program orientation. Click here to apply.

Your Bar: Your Voice Membership Survey Results

A key action item in the Five-Year Strategic plan was performing a comprehensive survey of Bar members’ diversity and experiences to understand the climate on the state of diversity and inclusion in the South Carolina legal profession. Conducted in spring 202, the confidential online survey included questions about members’ demographics; experiences and perspectives related to diversity, equity, and inclusion; and member activity and involvement. Results are available below:


Deyaska Spencer Sweatman
(803) 764-3639

Micah Chetta
(864) 593-6961

Staff Contact:
Kimberly Snipes
(803) 576-3835

Five-Year Strategic Diversity Plan

Learn more and read the South Carolina Bar's Five-Year Strategic Diversity Plan.

About SC Bar Members

Learn more about the demographic breakdown of active SC Bar members by age, gender and race/ethnicity.